I love to act like a big girl 8) After all I am going to be 1.5yr old. I want to drink from straw or cup, don't give me those Baby bottle I am not a baby now.
I love to wear pants although I already wearing 1 but I don't mind wearing 2 or 3
pcs. I insist I am going to wear by myself, if I can't manage I throw
tantrum inform of you!
I love to seat on car seat with seat belt buckle 8) I am a big girl now I can dose off on my seat too.
I love to feed myself too, about 30% of my food drop on the floor. At least 70% is into my little tummy.
I love to watch baby signing time, I can sign frog, horse, dog, cat, bird. Eat and Drink. Banana, Crackers, Milk and water. I am so clever hor.